Programs and Degrees

The programs in Toxicology provides comprehensive course work and training to prepare prospective toxicologist and environmental health scientists for careers in academia, government, and industry.

Our integrated curriculum, combining both the biological and physical sciences, offers training and research opportunities in the fields of Molecular and Computational Toxicology, Environmental Chemistry, Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment in support of our state-of-the-art and internationally competitive research, outreach and education missions. Required core courses, advanced training in a specialized area, and interdisciplinary and team-based experiential learning and professional development opportunities together strengthen the student's training in the basic sciences and ensure a thorough knowledge of the applied science of toxicology. The EMT Department is committed to promoting and sustaining a collaborative, inclusive, and caring community that strives for equity and equal opportunity for all faculty, staff, and students. We recognize that diversity and excellence go hand-in-hand, enhancing our teaching, scholarship, and outreach missions. Our program offers 3 different Masters programs in Toxicology. A brief overview can be found here. Our graduate program has learning level outcomes, which are described here.

Graduate Programs 

  • Doctorate in Toxicology (PhD)
  • Professional Masters of Toxicology (PSMTOX)
  • Masters in Toxicology (MTOX)
  • Non-Thesis Masters (only Ph.D. candidates are eligible)
  • Graduate Certificate in Toxicology (GCTP)


Accelerated Masters Platform & Undergraduate

  • Accelerated Masters Program (AMP-TOX; Only current OSU baccalaureate students are eligible)
  • Undergraduate toxicology minor (Only current OSU baccalaureate students are eligible)

Professional Masters (PSMTOX)

The Professional Masters in Toxicology (PSMTOX) provides training for recent graduates of undergraduate programs looking to advance their study in Toxicology but do not wish to pursue research training and would like to enter the workforce and early-career professionals. The degree emphasizes job-related experiences through a professional internship or capstone project.

Course Requirements:

  • EMT core course requirements (20 credits) +
  • TOX elective courses (6 credits)
  • Graduate-level general elective (12 credits) +
  • Lab rotations (1 credit) +
  • Capstone requirement (6 credits)

Time Commitment: 2 years

Committee Composition: 3 faculty members (2 must be from EMT, no graduate council representative necessary [GCR])

Program Outcomes:

  • Students will demonstrate mastery of material related to toxicology
  • Students will learn to conduct scholarly or professional activities in an ethical manner
  • Students can effectively communicate science in an outreach product or a well-written report that places their work in proper context to communicate major findings effectively
  • Students demonstrate good oral communications skills during the closed defense with their committee
  • Students display evidence of critical thinking skills during the oral defense

Final Exam: The final exam consists of a written and oral component.

The capstone project has two components – a written report and an oral presentation defended to a graduate committee. Each capstone project is unique to the student. The project must be related to the mentor's project. The capstone project is designed to apply what the student has learned in the PSMTOX Program. It is the student's responsibility to find and execute an acceptable project that meets the requirements outlined. Students are expected to submit a project definition report prior to advancing to a final report and the final exam.

The capstone project will be presented in a closed door session with the MS graduate committee for the oral component.

Masters of Toxicology (MTOX)

The Masters of Toxicology (M.S.) provides training for recent graduates of undergraduate programs looking to advance their study in Toxicology and gain a research-intensive program. The degree requires identifying a major professor and is thesis-based, emphasizing original research, professional presentation, and peer-reviewed publication of the work.

Course Requirements:

  • EMT core course requirements (20 credits) +
  • TOX elective courses (5-6 credits)
  • Graduate-level general elective (6-7 credits) +
  • Lab rotations (1 credit) +
  • Thesis minimum (12 credits)

Time Commitment: 2-3 years

Committee Composition: 4 faculty members (2 must be from EMT, a GCR, and one graduate faculty at large)

Program Outcomes

  • Students will produce a professionally written thesis that meets peer-review publication standards
  • Students will be able to prepare and deliver a professional oral presentation
  • Students will be able to communicate in discussions with peers and the general public effectively
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to solve problems, evaluate evidence and recognize bias; ability adjust conclusions/approaches in the face of new data or interpretation tools
  • Students will demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the area of expertise

Final Exam: The final exam consists of a written and oral component.

For the written component, a professionally written thesis is to be synthesized with the mentor. The thesis must meet peer-review publication standards. The purpose of the thesis is to demonstrate the student's in-depth knowledge of the area of expertise and ability to solve problems, evaluate evidence and interpret data.

For the final oral exam, students will present a 30-minute public research presentation on their thesis research in the EMT seminar series (or an ad hoc scheduled public presentation) followed by a closed-door session with the MS committee (up to 1 hour).

Concurrent Masters of Toxicology (only available to Ph.D. candidates)

The Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Ph.D. program is designed to earn a combined Masters's and a Ph.D. Students who matriculate a Masters are then eligible to complete their Ph.D. Preliminary Exam.

Course Requirements:

  • EMT core course requirements (21 credits) +
  • TOX elective courses (6 credits)
  • Graduate-level general elective (6 credits) +
  • Lab rotations (3 credit) +
  • Graduate-level blank/TOX Seminar course (3 credit) +
  • Capstone requirement (6 credits)

Committee Composition: 3 faculty members (2 must be from EMT, no graduate council representative necessary)

Final Exam: The final oral exam will be a 30-minute public research presentation in the EMT seminar series (or an ad hoc scheduled public presentation) followed by a closed-door session with the MS committee (up to 1 hour). The public research presentation will update the students' current research progress and future directions/experiments. Students may invite their entire Ph.D. committee to attend to gain a better understanding of their research progress.

Graduate Certificate in Toxicology Program (GCTP)

The Graduate Certificate in Toxicology (GCT) provides training for recent graduates and early career professionals looking for graduate credentials and advanced training in the field of Toxicology. This program offers students a comprehensive exploration of the impact of toxic chemicals and pollution on the environment, human health, and food safety. This interdisciplinary program uniquely combines environmental, molecular, and computational toxicology, providing a well-rounded understanding of chemical effects in ecosystems, cellular systems, and predictive health risk assessments.

Course Requirements:

  • Required TOX courses (9 credits)
  • Required Non-Tox electives (7 credits)
  • Optional Ecampus elective (3 credits)

Time Commitment: 1-2 years

Committee Composition: N/A

Program Outcomes

  • Students will complete and pass the 19-credit hour curriculum as the only requirement for the Graduate Certificate.
  • Students will be able to prepare and deliver written assignments.
  • Students will be able to communicate scientific concepts in discussion boards with peers and the instructor effectively
  • Students will demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the area of expertise

Final Exam: N/A