To enhance and diversify the educational experiences of TEAM Tox at Oregon State University members, while also strengthening the sense of community among toxicology trainees and contributing to our broader community through scientific outreach.















  1. Enhance and diversify the educational experience of TEAM Tox members through their involvements in TEAM Tox positions and events.
  2. Provide opportunities for professional development above and beyond the formal Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Department (EMT) curriculum.
  3. Encourage STEM involvement through outreach and mentoring of local elementary through high school students and undergraduate students.
  4. Build community and collaboration within TEAM Tox through team building activities and social events.
  5. Advocate for students by providing a direct line of communication between EMT trainees and faculty and administration.
  6. Promote inclusivity and diversity in our actions and events.

How We Work

TEAM Tox works with the EMT Department Head and the front office to facilitate the needs of TEAM Tox and the EMT department. Officers are nominated by TEAM Tox members and are elected annually. TEAM Tox meets once a month. The TEAM Tox committees meet once monthly or more frequently at the request of the chairs. Committee chairs are nominated within the committee and serve for one year. TEAM Tox is a fully inclusive group with votes open to any member.

Our Activities

TEAM Tox coordinates many activities for our members and the EMT department. Below are some of our major activities:

  • K-12 and community outreach/mentoring
  • Annual EMT Research Day
  • Departmental social events


Help TEAM Tox continue our activities, and show your EMT pride with waterproof stickers and T-shirts!


Outreach is a major component of TeamTox activities. We work with students ranging from 2nd grade to undergraduates providing a variety of activities or mentoring opportunities. We provide hour long modules, tabling activities, or longer form summer camps tailored to specific age groups to teach chemical safety, environmental stewardship, and basic principles of toxicology. By providing outreach opportunities to students, we can teach them about these career options and empower them to pursue science education.