Faculty Members

Department Head

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Kim Anderson
Department Head
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Photo Person Contact Information Summary of Specialty Area
Andrew Annalora
Assistant Professor (Sr Res)
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Research Interests Include Nuclear Hormone Receptor Signaling, Cytochrome P450 Gene Structure/Function/Characterization/Evolution; Rational Drug Development; Structure-based drug desing; Antisense Oligonucleotides and Gene-directed Therapeutics; Targeted and Untargeted Metabolomics; Vitamin D...

Kaci Buhl
Associate Professor (Practice)
Contact person by email

At the state level, I lead the Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP). The program hosts live recertification events around the state, serving over 1,000 licensed pesticide applicators each year. We also produce web-based...

Jamie DeWitt Jamie DeWitt Contact person by email

Jennifer Duringer
Manager 1-R&D Lab
Contact person by email

Dr. Duringer's research program focuses on the impacts of natural plant components on food safety and agricultural productivity by:

  1. Examining the biochemical effects, mechanisms of toxicity and ultimate biotransformation of plant and fungal toxicants in humans and animals;...
Jennifer Field
Contact person by email

Dr. Field has a Ph.D. in geochemistry from the Colorado School of Mines and is with the Environmental and Molecular Toxicology Department at Oregon State Unversity.  Her current research focuses on the development and application of quantitative analytical methods for organic micropollutants...

Manuel Garcia-Jaramillo
Assistant Professor
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Water quality is impacted by land management practices, industrial and urban development, and climate change. Surface waters are widely used as drinking water sources, food production, and recreational activities. Hence, their quality needs to be continuously monitored. However, current...

Stacey Harper
Contact person by email

Our laboratory investigates the environmental, health and safety impacts of nanotechnology in order to support the responsible development of this rapidly growing industry. Our current lack of information on the environmental fate and toxic potential of nanomaterials prohibits us from...

Siva Kolluri
Contact person by email

Research Focus:

Our laboratory has expertise in the investigation of biological activity of chemical compounds and their mechanisms of action. Research in the Kolluri laboratory includes investigation of the pathways regulating cell cycle, cell death and...

Craig Marcus
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Dr. Craig Marcus received his PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison  and conducted post doctoral research at Cornell University and UW-Madison. He has served on the faculty at Purdue University, the University of New Mexico, and is currently  Professor of Toxicology  in  Environmental...

Serhan Mermer
Assistant Professor
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Our lab focuses on understanding the toxicology, chemistry, and risk assessment of agrochemicals and pesticides in the environment, agriculture, and human health. My research area includes measuring the environmentally relevant levels of pesticides and agrochemicals in the environment, food,...

Brandon Pearson
Assistant Professor
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My research objective is to determine the causes and mechanisms of human diseases – particularly those that disrupt brain development and aging. My group focuses on vulnerable gene pathways and physiological systems that are targets of environmental exposures. Research projects in the lab...

Diana Rohlman
Associate Professor (Sr Res)
Contact person by email

My research interests align at the intersection of toxicology, public health and research translation. Specific interests include multi-modal data dissemination, disaster research and air pollution.

William Stubblefield
Contact person by email

Dr. Stubblefield is an internationally recognized expert in the field of environmental toxicology, with a research focus on the area of aquatic toxicology and ecotoxicology.  Previously an adjunct faculty member, Dr. Stubblefield has recently joined EMT (Sept. 2009) full time and will be...

Robyn Tanguay
Univ Distinguished Professor
Contact person by email

Read more about Dr. Tanguay and her lab at: http://tanguaylab.com.

Our laboratory uses zebrafish as a systems toxicology model to identify hazardous chemicals and the mechanisms that underlie their...

Susan Tilton
Associate Professor
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Read more about Dr. Tilton  and her lab at: https://sites.google.com/site/tiltonsusan/.

Research Focus:  Mechanistic and computational toxicology, organotypic in vitro models, inhalation toxicology, chemical mixtures,...

Lisa Truong
Associate Professor (Sr Res)
Contact person by email

The overall goal of my research program is to utilize the zebrafish model to help build computational predictive toxicity models. Secondarily, my goal is to move the field to be less reliant on animal testing and to conduct...

Adjunct Faculty

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Susanne Brander
Associate Professor
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As an ecotoxicologist, my research integrates the responses of aquatic organisms to endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and other environmental stressors, such as microplastics, across the biological hierarchy. My group focuses on discerning mechanisms of toxicity and linking the results of...

Courtesy Faculty

Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
Frederick Berman Contact person by email

Jamie Donatuto
Courtesy Appointment

Patrick Iversen
Courtesy Appointment
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Research Interests Involve the Study of Molecules that Disrupt the Flow of Information from DNA to Protein including:  Antisense Oligonucleotide Drug Development, Targeting Emergent Infectious Diseases, Rare Genetic Disorders, Cancer and Metabolic Syndrome; RNA Damage and Novel...

Brinda Mahadevan
Courtesy Appointment
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Diana Simmes
Courtesy Appointment
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Jordan Smith
Courtesy Faculty
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Justin Teeguarden
Courtesy Appointment
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katrina waters Katrina Waters
Courtesy Appointment
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Dr. Waters is a Laboratory Fellow and Director for Biological Sciences Research at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory with a joint faculty appointment at OSU. Her research interests are focused at the intersection of environmental exposures and infectious disease on human health through...


Photo Person Contact Information Specialty Area
William Baird
Emeritus Appointment
Emeritus Faculty
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Our group is elucidating the mechanisms by which chemicals induce cancer.   The research focuses on carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), widespread environmental pollutants, and how they interact with DNA to cause mutations and cancer.   Specific research projects deal with the...

Lawrence Curtis
Emeritus Appointment
Emeritus Faculty
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Frank Dost
Emeritus Appointment
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Jerry Hendricks
Emeritus Appointment
Emeritus Faculty
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Current research centers around the histopathology of chemically induced neoplasia in rainbow trout.  Specific research projects include: 1) Identifying natural inhibitors of carcinogenesis and understanding their mechanisms of action in rainbow trout; 2) Continued development of the rainbow...

Jeffrey Jenkins
Emeritus Faculty
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Current research activities include field studies to examine the impact of pesticide use on air and water quality, studies designed to investigate human and wildlife exposure as a result of pesticide use in both agricultural and urban settings, studies which investigate how sub-lethal...

Nancy Kerkvliet
Emeritus Appointment
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The overall goals of my research program are to understand the mechanisms by which chemicals of environmental significance interact with the immune system. Such interactions may result in altered immune function leading to decreased resistance to infectious diseases and increased susceptibility...

Ulo Kiigemagi
Emeritus Appointment

Terry Miller
Emeritus Faculty
Contact person by email My principal activities are in Extension Service outreach in environmental toxicology, pesticide toxicology, and pesticide regulations. I provide information and training, in toxicology, risk assessment, and pesticide-related areas, to many groups - the general public, pesticide applicators,...
Helmut Riedl
Emeritus Appointment
Emeritus Faculty
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Integrated pest management (IPM) on tree fruits; IPM programs as components of integrated fruit production (IFP) systems.

Research activities involve studies on the biology, ecology and management of insect and mite pests and their natural enemies on deciduous tree fruits. Main research...

David Williams
Emeritus Faculty
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My research interests focus on environmental carcinogens with an emphasis on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), formed from the incomplete combustion of carbon materials (coal, wood, petroleum, etc.).  We seek to determine not only how these chemicals cause cancer but also approaches for...