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Craig Marcus
craig.marcus [at]
Office: 541-737-1808
Agricultural & Life Sciences
2750 SW Campus Way
Dr. Craig Marcus received his PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and conducted post doctoral research at Cornell University and UW-Madison. He has served on the faculty at Purdue University, the University of New Mexico, and is currently Professor of Toxicology in Environmental and Molecular Toxicology at Oregon State University. He has over 40 years of experience in the field of Environmental Toxicology. His research and teaching focuses on the structure, function and regulation of the cytochromes P450 superfamily, with a current focus on the role of P450 enzymes in environmentally-induced human diseases. His most recent research focuses on alternative splicing in the P450 super family of enzymes and identifying endogenous substrates of P450s with important cell regulatory functions. Over the past 40 years he has been highly active in the instruction and mentoring of graduate students, post docs and early career faculty. He has developed professional development programs for graduate students, post docs and junior faculty, and currently serves as the Co-Director of the OSU Superfund Research Program Training Core and as co-PI the OSU T32 Training Grant in toxicology and environmental health sciences.