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Daniel Sudakin

Associate Professor
sudakind [at]

Research and outreach activities include support for the National Pesticide Information Center , which is a cooperative agreement between Oregon State University and the U.S. E.P.A. Office of Pesticide Programs. I collect information relating to the clinical toxicology of pesticides, and provide assistance in the investigation of sentinel events involving human exposures. A large electronic and paper library of scientific literature pertaining to the basic and clinical toxicology of pesticides is maintained, and this information is available upon request or when needed to respond to inquiries involving human exposures.

I am Co-Director of the Integrative Health Science Facility Core of the Environmental Health Science Center at Oregon State University.  I provide support for the design and execution of clinical and translational research in the environmental health sciences.  Current research activities include the application of geographic information systems and spatial scan statistics in the surveillance and prevention of pesticide exposures.

I am leader of the Research Translation Core for the OSU Superfund Research Program, which is focused on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.   The Research Translation Core communicates the Superfund Research Program findings in ways that are meaningful to stakeholders including public health and regulatory agencies, high-risk populations, and the general public.