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“Wine is bactericidal to foodborne pathogens”, Journal of Food Science, vol. 69, pp. M251–M257, 2004.
, “Overexpression of VvWRKY2 in tobacco enhances broad resistance to necrotrophic fungal pathogens”, Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 131, no. 3, pp. 434 - 447, 2007.
, “Potential importance of bacteria and fungi in nitrate assimilation in soil”, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 1737 - 1743, 2007.
, “Linking microbial communities to activity in soil with molecular and stable isotope techniques”, in Linking Management to Global Climate Challenges: The Proceedings of the International Symposium on Forest Soils and Ecosystem Health, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, 2007.
, “Recent advances in soil nitrogen cycling and microbial community analysis”, Korean J. Soil Sci. and Fertilizers, vol. 40, 2007.
, “Nitrogen mineralization and immobilization”, in Nitrogen in Agricultural Soils, Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy, 2008, pp. 157-172.
, “Nitrogen Mineralization and Assimilation at Millimeter Scales”, in Methods in Enzymolog, vol. 496, 2011.
, “The Potential of Metagenomic Approaches for Understanding Soil Microbial Processes”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 78, no. 1, p. 3, 2014.
, “Classical Techniques Versus Omics Approaches”, in Omics in Soil Science , 2014.
, “Quantification of nitrogen transformations”, in Manual of Environmental Microbiology, 3rdrd ed., Washington, DC.: ASM Press, 2007, pp. 687-696.
, “Origin, history and genetic improvement of the snap pea (Pisum sativum L.)”, Plant Breeding Reviews, vol. 21, pp. 93-138, 2001.
, , “The New NOVIC (Northern Organic Vegetable Improvement Collaborative) and Organic-Vegetable Breeding Efforts in Oregon and Beyond”, 8th Organic Seed Growers Conference. Corvallis, OR, pp. 23-24, 2016.
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, “Preliminary evaluation of the Bean CAP snap bean panel for white mold resistance”, National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
, “Iconography of Beans and Related Legumes Following the Columbian Exchange”, Frontiers in plant science, vol. 13, p. 851029, 2022.
, “Brassicas: Breeding cole crops for organic agriculture”, in Organic Plant Breeding, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, pp. 251-262.
, “The New NOVIC (Northern Organic Vegetable Improvement Collaborative) and Organic-Vegetable Breeding Efforts in Oregon and Beyond”, 8th Organic Seed Growers Conference. Corvallis, OR, pp. 23-24, 2016.
, “Breeding Crucifers for Organic Production – Public Sector Perspective”, 8th Organic Seed Growers Conference. Corvallis, OR, pp. 58-59, 2016.
, “Contribution of lean, fat, muscle color and degree of doneness to pork and beef species flavor”, Meat Science, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 59 - 63, 2009.
, “Preliminary evaluation of the Bean CAP snap bean panel for white mold resistance”, National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
, “Status of Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS) in Vegetable Brassicas ”, 7th Organic Seed Growers Conference. Corvallis, OR, pp. 134–143, 2014.
, “Breeding Crucifers for Organic Production – Public Sector Perspective”, 8th Organic Seed Growers Conference, pp. 58-59, 2016.
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