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E. M. Coombs, Miller, J. C., Andres, L. A., and Turner, C. E., Biological Control of Mediterranean Sage (Salvia aethiopis L.) Observations in Oregon: A Partial Success, 12th International Symposium on Weed Biological Control. pp. 529-535, 2008.
P. J. Bottomley and Myrold, D. D., Biological nitrogen fixation: The return of N to the soil, in Soil Microbiology, Ecology, and Biochemistry, 4thth ed., San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2015, pp. 447-470.
P. J. Bottomley and Myrold, D. D., Biological nitrogen fixation: The return of N to the soil, in Soil Microbiology, Ecology, and Biochemistry, 3rdrd ed., Burlington, MA: Academic Press, 2007, pp. 365-387.
A. F. Murphy and Rondon, S. I., Biology and influential abiotic environmental variables for the beet leafhopper (Circulifer tenellus) in the Columbia Basin of Oregon and Washington, XXIV International Congress of Entomology. International Congress of Entomology, Daegu, South Korea, p. 243, 2012.
R. F. Miller and , Biology, ecology, and management of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis), 2005.
N. J. Parikh, McIntosh, B. P., Tanguay, A. R., Humayun, M. S., and Weiland, J. D., Biomimetic image processing for retinal prostheses: peripheral saliency cues., Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, vol. 2009, pp. 4569-72, 2009.
A. McDaniel and Murthy, G. S., BIO-OIL OPTIMIZATION FOR A CONTINUOUS FLOW HYDROTHERMAL LIQUEFACTION REACTOR, Stakeholder Perspectives on the Bioeconomy, p. 52, 2015.
A. McDaniel and Murthy, G. S., BIO-OIL OPTIMIZATION FOR A CONTINUOUS FLOW HYDROTHERMAL LIQUEFACTION REACTOR, Stakeholder Perspectives on the Bioeconomy, p. 52, 2015.
D. Tullos, Foster-Moore, E., Magee, D., Tilt, B., Wolf, A. T., Schmitt, E., Gassert, F., and Kibler, K., Biophysical, socioeconomic, and geopolitical vulnerabilities to hydropower development on the Nu River, China, 2013.
D. A. Dalton, Ma, C., Murthy, G. S., and Strauss, S. H., Bioplastic production by transgenic poplar, Information Systems for Biotechnology News Report (Jan), pp. 7–10, 2012.
D. A. Dalton, Ma, C., Murthy, G. S., and Strauss, S. H., Bioplastic production by transgenic poplar, Information Systems for Biotechnology News Report (Jan), pp. 7–10, 2012.
A. J. Gawde, Zheljazkov, V. D., Maddox, V., and Cantrell, C. L., Bioprospection of Eastern red cedar from nine physiographic regions in Mississippi, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 59 - 64, 2009.
A. Gawde, Zheljazkov, V. D., Maddox, V., and Cantrell, C. L., Bioprospection of Eastern red cedar from nine physiographic regions in Mississippi, Ind. Crop Prod. , vol. 30, pp. 59-64, 2009.
A. Gawde, Zheljazkov, V. D., Cantrell, C. L., and Maddox, V., Bioprospection of Juniperus virginiana for production of the anti-cancer drug podophyllotoxin, Planta Medica, vol. 74, no. 03, 2008.
D. B. Wester, Sosebee, R. E., Zartman, R. E., Fish, E. B., J. Villalobos, C., Mata-González, R., Jurado, P., and Moffet, C. A., Biosolids Effects in Chihuahuan Desert Rangelands: A Ten-Year Study, Applied and Environmental Soil Science, vol. 2011, pp. 1 - 13, 2011.
D. B. Wester, Sosebee, R. E., Zartman, R. E., Fish, E. B., J. Villalobos, C., Mata-González, R., Jurado, P., and Moffet, C. A., Biosolids Effects in Chihuahuan Desert Rangelands: A Ten-Year Study, Applied and Environmental Soil Science, vol. 2011, pp. 1 - 13, 2011.
C. G. Cogger, Bary, A. I., Sullivan, D. M., and Myhre, E. A., Biosolids Processing Effects on First- and Second-Year Available Nitrogen, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 68, no. 1, p. 162, 2004.
R. S. Rasmussen and Morrissey, M. T., Biotechnology in aquaculture: transgenics and polyploidy, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, vol. 6, pp. 2–16, 2007.
S. B. St Clair, O'Connor, R., Gill, R., and McMillan, B., Biotic Resistance and Disturbance: Rodent Consumers Regulate Post-Fire Plant Invasions and Increase Plant Community Diversity, Ecological Society of America, vol. 97, no. 7, pp. 1700-1711, 2016.
I. R. McLaughlin, Lederer, C., and Shellhammer, T., Bitterness-Modifying Properties of Hop Polyphenols Extracted from Spent Hop Material, Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, vol. 66319191905059252749499953710879992, no. 3, pp. 174 - 183, 2008.
B. Miller, Bittersweet: the history of Sugar, In Good Tilth, vol. 22, 2011.
B. Miller, Bittersweet: the history of Sugar, In Good Tilth, vol. 22, 2011.
C. E. Finn, Yorgey, B., Strik, B. C., Hall, H., Martin, R., and Qian, M., `Black Diamond’ thornless trailing blackberry, HortScience, vol. 40, pp. 2175-2178, 2005.
C. E. Finn, Yorgey, B. M., Strik, B. C., Hall, H. K., Martin, R. R., and Qian, M., 'Black Diamond' Thornless Trailing Blackberry, HortScience, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 2175 - 2178, 2005.
C. E. Finn, Yorgey, B., Strik, B. C., Martin, R., and Qian, M., `Black Pearl’ thornless trailing blackberry, HortScience, vol. 40, pp. 2179-2181, 2005.