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“EOARC Annual Report, Special Report 923: Year and Season Effects on Diet Quality of Beef Cattle Grazing Northern Great Basin Rangelands”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993.
, “EOARC, Annual Report: The Influence of Physical Modification and Supplementation Stratagies of Grass Seed Straw on Beef Cattle Intake, Feed Efficiency and Performance”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
, “EOARC, Annual Report: The Influence of Supplemental Alfalfa Quality on the Intake and Utilization of Low Quality Roughage by Beef Cattle with Varying Levels of Protein Requirements”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
, “EOARC, Annual Report: Ungulate Management to Enhance a Grazed Seasonal Rangeland Ecosystem”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
, “EOARC, Annual Report: Western Juniper Woodland Program”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
, “EOARC, Field Day Report: An Ecological Basis for the Management and Recovery of Riparian Zones”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
“EOARC, Field Day Report: Influence of Electronic Diversion from Riparian Areas on Livestock Grazing Behavior, Nutritional Physiology, Stress Physiology and Performance”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
, “EOARC, Field Day Report: Lessons Learned Concerning Livestock in Riparian Zones and the Associated Uplands of Rangeland Watersheds”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
, “EOARC, Field Day Report: Mapping and Analysis of Catherine Creek Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1995.
, “EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Dining Out: Principles of Range Cattle Nutrition”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
, “EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Livestock Systems Complementary or Compatible with Wildlife”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
, “EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Mixing and Matching: Grazing Wet Meadows and Desert Range”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
, “EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Sustainable Resotration”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
, “EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Fire History and Juniper Expansion in Southeastern Oregon”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
, “EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Management of Beef Cattle for Economic Sustainability: A Review of Research”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
, “EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: Selective Livestock Grazing: A Tool for Vegetation Management”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
, “EOARC Field Day Report, The Sagebrush Steppe: Sustainable Working Environments: The Rangeland Carbon Flux Project”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1997.
, , , “Evaluation of fungicides for preventative control of gray snow mold in central Oregon, 2010 – 2011.”, Report No. 8:T040, 2014.
, “ Evaluation of sulfur rates and calcium sources on Microdochium patch and Anthracnose of an annual bluegrass putting green in western Oregon, 2013 – 2014”, Report No. 9:T034, 2015.
, “An evaluation of the PRIA grazing fee formula. In: Current Issues in Rangeland Resource Economics.”, A Western Regional Publication: NMSU Agric. Exp. Sta., Research Report, 737, 2001.
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