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“Salinity Stress in Potato: Understanding Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular Responses”, Life, vol. 11, p. 545, 2021.
, “Salinity Stress in Potato: Understanding Physiological, Biochemical and Molecular Responses”, Life, vol. 11, p. 545, 2021.
, “Substantial changes in podzol morphology after tree‐roots modify soil porosity and hydrology in a tropical coastal rainforest”, Plant and Soil, 2021.
, “Use of Radio‑Frequency Identification Technology to Assess the Frequency of Cattle Visits to Mineral Feeders”, Tropical Animal Health and Production, no. 53:341, 2021.
, “Adaptability analysis in a participatory variety trial of organic vegetable crops”, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, vol. 35, pp. 296–312, 2020.
, “Adaptability analysis in a participatory variety trial of organic vegetable crops”, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, vol. 35, pp. 296–312, 2020.
, “Aerial high‐throughput phenotyping enables indirect selection for grain yield at the early generation, seed‐limited stages in breeding programs”, Crop Science, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 3096 - 3114, 2020.
, “The Biggest Bang for the Buck: Cost-Effective Vegetation Treatment Outcomes Across Drylands of the Western United States”, Ecological Society of America, vol. 30, no. 7, pp. 1-14, 2020.
, “A continuum of stomatal responses to water deficits among 17 wine grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera)”, Functional Plant Biology, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 11–25, 2020.
, Cucurbits. 2020.
“Effect of Preveraison Water Deficits on the Yield Components of 15 Winegrape Cultivars”, American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 208 - 221, 2020.
, “Effect of Preveraison Water Deficits on the Yield Components of 15 Winegrape Cultivars”, American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 208–221, 2020.
, “Gaps and Hotspots in the State of Knowledge of Pinyon-Juniper Communities”, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 455, pp. 1-23, 2020.
, “Genesis of pseudo-sand structure in Oxisols from Brazil – A review”, Geoderma Regional, vol. 22, 2020.
, “Genesis of pseudo-sand structure in Oxisols from Brazil – A review”, Geoderma Regional, 2020.
, “Hydraulic Redistribution Buffers Climate Variability and Regulates Grass‐Tree Interactions in a Semiarid Riparian Savanna”, Ecohydrology, vol. 14, no. 3, e2271, pp. 1-13, 2020.
, “Hydraulic Redistribution Buffers Climate Variability and Regulates Grass‐Tree Interactions in a Semiarid Riparian Savanna”, Ecohydrology, vol. 14, no. 3, e2271, pp. 1-13, 2020.
, “Identification and Characterization of GPCRs for Pyrokinin and CAPA Peptides in the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae).”, Front Physiol, vol. 11, p. 559, 2020.
, “Identification and functional characterization of the first molluscan neuromedin U receptor in the slug, Deroceras reticulatum.”, Sci Rep, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 22308, 2020.
, “Plant Sciences Symposia Series Student Advisory Council Hosts Virtual Plant‐Breeding Symposium”, CSA News, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 39 - 41, 2020.
, “Supplementing Ca salts of Soybean Oil to Late-Gestating Beef Cows: Impacts on Performance and Physiological Responses of the Offspring”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 98, no. 8, pp. 1-12, 2020.
, “Supplementing CA Salts of Soybean Oil to Late-Gestating Beef Cows: Impacts on Performance and Physiological Responses of the Offspring”, vol. 4. Translational Animal Science, pp. S22-S26, 2020.
, “Technology adoption under uncertainty: Take-up and subsequent investment in Zambia”, Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 102, pp. 617–632, 2020.
, “Tomato domestication attenuated responsiveness to a beneficial soil microbe for plant growth promotion and induction of systemic resistance to foliar pathogens”, Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 11, p. 604566, 2020.
, “Tomato domestication attenuated responsiveness to a beneficial soil microbe for plant growth promotion and induction of systemic resistance to foliar pathogens”, Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 11, p. 604566, 2020.