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“Estimation of loading via fingered flow”, in Irrigation and drainage, 1991.
“Evaluation of methods for sampling, recovery, and enumeration of bacteria applied to the phylloplane.”, Appl Environ Microbiol, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 51-6, 1991.
, “Effects of a high-voltage direct-current transmission line on beef cattle production”, Bioelectromagnetics, vol. 113419, no. 4, pp. 273 - 282, 1990.
, “Effects of nitrogen availability on growth and photosynthesis of Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis”, The Great Basin Naturalist, pp. 9–19, 1990.
, “Environmental Influences on Germination of Utricles and Seedling Establishment of 'Immigrant' Forage Kochia”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 43, no. 6, p. 518, 1990.
, “Expression of a 64 kD adipocyte-specific plasma membrane protein in genetically lean but not obese porcine adipocytes”, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, vol. 442610325657808194532391922502426237237, no. 3, pp. 167 - 175, 1990.
, “The effect of potassium bromate on the gel-forming ability of Pacific whiting (Merluccius productus) surimi”, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 1989.
, “Effect of several stress factors on the susceptibility of the predatory insect, Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), to the fungal pathogen Beauveria bassiana”, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 79 - 84, 1989.
, “Effects of several stress factors on the susceptibility of the predatory insect, Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae), to the fungal pathogen Beauveria bassiana”, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology , vol. 54, pp. 78-84, 1988.
, “Environmental factors affecting plant productivity”, in Fort Keogh research symposium, 1988.
, “Estimating Total Fish Abundance and Total Habitat Area in Small Streams Based on Visual Estimation Methods”, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 834 - 844, 1988.
, “Effects of osmotic potential, potassium chloride, and sodium chloride on germination of greasewood (Sarcobatus vermiculatus)”, The Great Basin Naturalist, pp. 110–116, 1987.
, “Establishing grasses by imprinting in the Northwestern United States”, in Symposium on Seed and Seedbed Ecology of Rangeland Plants, Tucson, Ariz.(USA), 21-23 Apr 1987, 1987.
, “The ecology and management of bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum): A review”, Station bulletin/Oregon State University. Agricultural Experiment Station (USA), 1986.
, “Estimating Leaf Area of Big Sagebrush from Measurement of Sapwood”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 39, no. 4, p. 338, 1986.
, “Effect of N Fertilizer on Protein Content of Grain, Straw, and Chaff Tissues in Soft White Winter Wheat”, Agronomy Journal, vol. 77, no. 2, p. 229, 1985.
, “Effects of Moisture and Temperature on Germination of Idaho Fescue”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 38, no. 4, p. 317, 1985.
, “Effects of Tractor Logging on Soils and Vegetation in Eastern Oregon1”, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 49, no. 5, p. 1280, 1985.
, “Estimating the area of trifoliolate and unequally imparipinnate leaves of strawberry”, HortScience, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1072-1074, 1985.
, , “Effect of terminal bud removal and exogenous indole butyric acid treatments on the rooting of vegetative rhododendron cuttings”, J. Amer. Rhodo. Soc., vol. 38, pp. 63-65, 1984.
, “Effect of Soil Contamination on the Mineral Composition of Forage Fertilized with Nitrogen”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 36, no. 3, p. 286, 1983.
, “Effects of Soil Moisture on Burned and Clipped Idaho Fescue”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 36, no. 6, p. 708, 1983.
, “The Effect of Slide and Frequency Observation Numbers on the Precision of Microhistological Analysis”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 337, 1981.