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“Food Analysis”, in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, 2000, pp. 3857-4332.
, “Global markets and products of hake”, in Hake fisheries, ecology and markets, 1st ed., London : Chapman & Hall, 1995.
, “Gramene: A Resource for Comparative Analysis of Plants Genomes and Pathways.”, in Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1374, 2016, pp. 141-63.
, “Hop Breeding”, in Companion to Beer, Oxford University Press, Inc, 2011.
, “Horse Insecticides.”, in Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, A Pacific Northwest Extension Publication, 2009.
, “Ichthyic fauna of Bueno River basin: affluent relevance in native species conservation”, in Ecology and biodiversity in forest of coastal corridor of Chile, 2005.
, “Insect management strategies for PNW dryland cereal systems”, in PNW conservation/REACCH handbook, 2017.
, “Integrated pest management in tropical cereal crops”, in Integrated pest management in the tropics, New Dehli, India: New Indian Publishing Agency, 2016, pp. 249-273.
, “Integrating functional genomics with abiotic stress responses in wine grape - Vitis vinifera”, in Advances in molecular breeding towards salinity and drought tolerance, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: , 2008, pp. 643-668.
, “Microwave and Radio Frequency Heating of Food Products”, in Introduction to Advanced Food Process Engineering, CRC Press, 2014, pp. 3–30.
, “Nutritional Value of Potatoes: Vitamin, Phytonutrient and Mineral Content”, in Advances in potato chemistry and technology, 2009, pp. 395-424.
, “The Oregon Grass Seed Industry”, in Epichloae Endophytes of Cool Season Grasses: Implications, Utilization and Biology, Ardmore, OK: The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, 2012, pp. 49-52.
, “Persistence of Biochar in Soil”, in Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, Second., 2015.
, “Persistence of Biochar in Soil”, in Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, Second., 2015.
, “Pesticide Hazard and Risk Management and Compatibility with IPM”, in Fall Armyworm in Africa: A guide for integrated pest management, First., 2018.
, “Planning and Sowing Grasslands”, in Improving Grassland and Pasture Management in Temperate Agriculture, Cambridge, UK: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, 2017.
, “Production of traditional and novel biopolymers in transgenic woody plants”, in Phytochemicals, Plant Growth, and the Environment, Springer New York, 2013, pp. 59–78.
, “Recommendations of the workshop group on quality assurance for hake”, in Hake fisheries, ecology and markets, 1st ed., London : Chapman & Hall, 1995.
, “The Role of Joint Ventures in Bridging the Gap Between Research and Management”, in Wildlife Science: Connecting Research with Management, CRC Press, 2012, pp. 239 - 252.
, “The Role of Joint Ventures in Bridging the Gap Between Research and Management”, in Wildlife Science: Connecting Research with Management, CRC Press, 2012, pp. 239 - 252.
, “Role of miRNA in seed development”, in MicroRNAs in Plant Development and Stress Responses, Heidelberg: Springer, 2012, pp. 109-121.
, “Seed development and germination”, in Plant Tissue Culture: Development and Biotechnology, Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2010, pp. 125-138.
, “Soil water potential measurement by granular matrix sensors. ”, in The Encyclopedia of Water Science, 2003.
, “Sub lethal effects of pesticides on pollinators with special focus on honey bees”, in Mutualistic interaction between flowering plants and animals, 2015.
, “Sub lethal effects of pesticides on pollinators with special focus on honey bees”, in Mutualistic interaction between flowering plants and animals, 2015.