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Journal Article
D. D. Johnson and Miller, R. F., Intermountain Presettlement Juniper: Distribution, Abundance, and Influence on Postsettlement Expansion, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 82 - 92, 2008.
S. Tramontana, Bionaz, M., Sharma, A., Graugnard, D. E., Cutler, E. A., Ajmone-Marsan, P., Hurley, W. L., and Loor, J. J., Internal controls for quantitative polymerase chain reaction of swine mammary glands during pregnancy and lactation., J Dairy Sci, vol. 91, no. 8, pp. 3057-66, 2008.
A. Goyer, Decottignies, P., Lemaire, S. D., Ruelland, E., Issakidis-Bourguet, E., Jacquot, J. P., and Miginiac-Maslow, M., The internal Cys-207 of sorghum leaf NADP-malate dehydrogenase can form mixed disulphides with thioredoxin, FEBS Letters, vol. 444, 1999.
B. Tuck and Maddy, D., International Assignment Opportunities, OSU Extension This Month Newsletter, 2005.
J. C. Miller, International Collaboration On Biodiversity Research: A Practical, Conceptual, and Empirical Perspective, Naresuan Phayao Journal, 2009.
C. L. Phillips, Nickerson, N., Risk, D., and BOND, B. A. R. B. A. R. A. J., Interpreting diel hysteresis between soil respiration and temperature, Global Change Biology, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 515 - 527, 2011.
M. L. Pellant, Shaver, P. L., Pyke, D. A., and Herrick, J. E., Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health, Technical Reference 1734-6, 2005.
A. C. Chiaia-Hernandez, Banta-Green, C. J., and Field, J., Interpreting methamphetamine levels in a high-use community, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 18, pp. 1471–1477, 2011.
K. A. France, Ganskopp, D. C., and Boyd, C. S., Interspace/Undercanopy Foraging Patterns of Beef Cattle in Sagebrush Habitats, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 389 - 393, 2008.
P. M. Kusolwa, Davis, J., and , Interspecific transfer and inheritance of arcelin-phytohaemagglutinin-alpha amylase inhibitor seed proteins from tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) to common bean (P. vulgaris L.), Breeding for Bruchid Resistance in Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): Interspecific Introgression of Lectin-like Seed Proteins from Tepary Bean (P. acutifolius A. Gray), Genetic Control and Bruchid Resistance Characterization., p. 42, 2007.
R. Tanguay, An interview with Robert Tanguay, Ph.D. Interviewed by Vicki Glaser., Zebrafish, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 163-8, 2007.
C. Jiang, Xie, C., Lv, Y., Li, J., Krausz, K. W., Shi, J., Brocker, C. N., Desai, D., Amin, S. G., Bisson, W. H., Liu, Y., Gavrilova, O., Patterson, A. D., and Gonzalez, F. J., Intestine-selective farnesoid X receptor inhibition improves obesity-related metabolic dysfunction, Nature Communications, vol. 6, p. 10166, 2015.
S. Mangla, Sheley, R., James, J. J., and Radosevich, S. R., Intra and interspecific competition among invasive and native species during early stages of plant growth, Plant Ecology, vol. 21212217832617628776261228223341817587787917876613980711111408098210156231675441591125211221347511831871508411849131, no. 4, pp. 531 - 542, 2011.
Y. Yan, Waite-Cusic, J. G., Kuppusamy, P., and Yousef, A. E., Intracellular free iron and its potential role in ultrahigh-pressure-induced inactivation of Escherichia coli., Appl Environ Microbiol, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 722-4, 2013.
J. Azevedo, Courtois, F., Hakimi, M. - A., Demarsy, E., Lagrange, T., Alcaraz, J. - P., Jaiswal, P., Maréchal-Drouard, L., and Lerbs-Mache, S., Intraplastidial trafficking of a phage-type RNA polymerase is mediated by a thylakoid RING-H2 protein., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 105, pp. 9123-8, 2008.
J. D. Lattier and Contreras, R., Intraspecific, Interspecific, and Interseries Cross-compatibility in Lilac, Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, vol. 142, no. 4, pp. 279 - 288, 2017.
M. A. Kutzler, Intratesticular and intraepididymal injections to sterilize male cats, Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, vol. 174520838, no. 9, pp. 772 - 776, 2015.
C. Bishop, Lee, D. M., Slayden, O. D., and Li, X., Intravenous neutralization of vascular endothelial growth factor reduces vascular function/permeability of the ovary and prevents development of OHSS-like symptoms in rhesus monkeys, Journal of Ovarian Research, vol. 103338326171387143209031451066514212414149333279571181961236205949314173139239289627768213716881676712312133141, no. 1, 2017.
B. Gumiero, Boyer, K., and Gregory, S., Introduction: Biodiversity and restoration of hydromorpological processes., ECRR International Conference on River Restoration, 2009.
D. Tullos, Tilt, B., and Liermann, C. Reidy, Introduction to the special issue: Understanding and linking the biophysical, socioeconomic and geopolitical effects of dams, Journal of environmental management, vol. 90, pp. S203–S207, 2009.
P. F. Fruet, Laporta, P., Di Tullio, J. C., Secchi, E. R., Morteo, E., Tezanos-Pinto, G., öller, L., Marmontel, M., and Palacios, D. M., Introduction to the Special Volume on Tursiops in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, vol. 11, no. 1-2, p. 1, 2017.
D. D. Johnson and Davies, K. W., An introduction to using ecological site descriptions as a management tool, Cattle Producer's Library, 2012.
E. D. Levin and Tanguay, R. L., Introduction to zebrafish: Current discoveries and emerging technologies for neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology, Neurotoxicology and Teratology, vol. 33, no. 6, p. 607, 2011.
E. D. Levin and Tanguay, R. L., Introduction to zebrafish: current discoveries and emerging technologies for neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology., Neurotoxicol Teratol, vol. 33, no. 6, p. 607, 2011.
M. K. Asplen, Anfora, G., Biondi, A., Choi, D. - S., Chu, D., Daane, K. M., Gibert, P., Gutierrez, A. P., Hoelmer, K. A., Hutchison, W. D., Isaacs, R., Jiang, Z. - L., árpáti, Z., Kimura, M. T., Pascual, M., Philips, C. R., Plantamp, C., Ponti, L., étek, ábor, Vogt, H., Walton, V. M., Yu, Y., à, L., and Desneux, N., Invasion biology of spotted wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii): a global perspective and future priorities, Journal of Pest Science, vol. 88, no. 34, pp. 469 - 494, 2015.