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L. Truong, Zaikova, T., Richman, E. K., Hutchison, J. E., and Tanguay, R. L., Media ionic strength impacts embryonic responses to engineered nanoparticle exposure, Nanotoxicology, vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 691 - 699, 2012.
M. R. Elie, Choi, J., Nkrumah-Elie, Y. M., Gonnerman, G. D., Stevens, J. F., and Tanguay, R. L., Metabolomic analysis to define and compare the effects of PAHs and oxygenated PAHs in developing zebrafish, Environmental Research, vol. 140, pp. 502 - 510, 2015.
W. H. Bisson, Koch, D. C., Donnell, E. F. ’, Khalil, S. M., Kerkvliet, N. I., Tanguay, R. L., Abagyan, R., and Kolluri, S., Modeling of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) Ligand Binding Domain and Its Utility in Virtual Ligand Screening to Predict New AhR Ligands, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 52, no. 18, pp. 5635 - 5641, 2009.
M. M. Braga, Silva, E. S., Rico, E. P., Pettenuzzo, L. F., Oliveira, D. L., Dias, R. D., Rocha, ãoB. T., Calcagnotto, M. Elisa, Tanguay, R. L., Souza, D. O., and Rosemberg, D. B., Modulation of the chelatable Zn pool in the brain by diethyldithiocarbamate is associated with behavioral impairment in adult zebrafish, Toxicol. Res., vol. 41031521663391026262841283602279555322815886155101090691933551551116131118338885396054828337, no. 2, pp. 317 - 325, 2015.
T. L. Tal, Franzosa, J. A., and Tanguay, R. L., Molecular Signaling Networks That Choreograph Epimorphic Fin Regeneration in Zebrafish – A Mini-Review, Gerontology, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 231 - 240, 2010.
C. V. Gerlach, Das, S. R., Volz, D. C., Bisson, W. H., Kolluri, S., and Tanguay, R. L., Mono-substituted isopropylated triaryl phosphate, a major component of Firemaster 550, is an AHR agonist that exhibits AHR-independent cardiotoxicity in zebrafish, Aquatic Toxicology, vol. 154, pp. 71 - 79, 2014.
L. Truong, Reif, D. M., St Mary, L., Geier, M. C., Truong, H. D., and Tanguay, R. L., Multidimensional In Vivo Hazard Assessment Using Zebrafish, Toxicological Sciences, vol. 137, no. 1, pp. 212 - 233, 2013.
H. Teraoka, Urakawa, S., Nanba, S., Nagai, Y., Dong, W., Imagawa, T., Tanguay, R. L., Svoboda, K., Handley-Goldstone, H. M., Stegeman, J. J., and Hiraga, T., Muscular contractions in the zebrafish embryo are necessary to reveal thiuram-induced notochord distortions, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 212, no. 1, pp. 24 - 34, 2006.