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A. Pujar, Jaiswal, P., Kellogg, E. A., Ilic, K., Vincent, L., Avraham, S., Stevens, P., Zapata, F., Reiser, L., Rhee, S. Y., Sachs, M. M., Schaeffer, M., Stein, L., Ware, D., and McCouch, S., Whole-plant growth stage ontology for angiosperms and its application in plant biology., Plant physiology, vol. 142, pp. 414-28, 2006.
A. Pujar, Jaiswal, P., Kellogg, E. A., Ilic, K., Vincent, L., Avraham, S., Stevens, P., Zapata, F., Reiser, L., Rhee, S. Y., Sachs, M. M., Schaeffer, M., Stein, L., Ware, D., and McCouch, S., Whole-plant growth stage ontology for angiosperms and its application in plant biology., Plant physiology, vol. 142, pp. 414-28, 2006.
A. Pujar, Jaiswal, P., Kellogg, E. A., Ilic, K., Vincent, L., Avraham, S., Stevens, P., Zapata, F., Reiser, L., Rhee, S. Y., Sachs, M. M., Schaeffer, M., Stein, L., Ware, D., and McCouch, S., Whole-plant growth stage ontology for angiosperms and its application in plant biology., Plant physiology, vol. 142, pp. 414-28, 2006.
A. Pujar, Jaiswal, P., Kellogg, E. A., Ilic, K., Vincent, L., Avraham, S., Stevens, P., Zapata, F., Reiser, L., Rhee, S. Y., Sachs, M. M., Schaeffer, M., Stein, L., Ware, D., and McCouch, S., Whole-plant growth stage ontology for angiosperms and its application in plant biology., Plant physiology, vol. 142, pp. 414-28, 2006.
A. Stone, White Mold of Snap Bean and Other Vegetable Crops, 2014. [Online]. Available:
J. T. Smith, Allred, B. W., Boyd, C. S., Davies, K. W., Jones, M. O., Kleinhesselink, A. R., Maestas, J. D., and Naugle, D. E., Where There's Smoke, There's Fuel: Dynamic Vegetation Data Improve Predictions of Wildfire Hazard in the Great Basin, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 89, pp. 20 - 32, 2023.
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D. Nelson Hyder, Booster, D. E., Sneva, F. A., Sawyer, W. A., and Rodgers, J. B., Wheel-Track Planting on Sagebrush-Bunchgrass Range, Journal of Range Management, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 220, 1961.
D. Nelson Hyder, Booster, D. E., Sneva, F. A., Sawyer, W. A., and Rodgers, J. B., Wheel-Track Planting on Sagebrush-Bunchgrass Range, Journal of Range Management, vol. 14, no. 4, p. 220, 1961.
F. A. Sneva, Wheatgrass Response to Seasonal Applications of Two Nitrogen Sources, Journal of Range Management, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 137, 1973.
C. Seavert, Wheat (Winter) Following Fallow, Direct Seed, 12-18 inch Precipitation Zone, North Central Region, 2012.
C. Seavert, Wheat (Winter) Following Fallow, Conservation Tillage (12-18 Inch Precipitation Zone, 2012.
K. A. Ehlert, Brennan, J., Beard, J., Reuter, R., Menendez, H., Vandermark, L., Stephenson, M., Hoag, D., Meiman, P., O'Connor, R., and Noelle, S., What's in a Name? Standardizing Terminology for the Enhancement of Research, Extension, and Industry Applications of Virtual Fence Use on Grazing Livestock, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 94, pp. 199 - 206, 2024.
N. R. Andrew, Evans, M. J., Svejcar, L., Prendegast, K., Mata, L., Gibb, H., Stone, M. J., and Barton, P. S., What's Hot and What's Not – Identifying Publication Trends in Insect Ecology, Austral Ecology, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 5 - 16, 2022.
N. R. Andrew, Evans, M. J., Svejcar, L., Prendegast, K., Mata, L., Gibb, H., Stone, M. J., and Barton, P. S., What's Hot and What's Not – Identifying Publication Trends in Insect Ecology, Austral Ecology, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 5 - 16, 2022.
R. M. Cross, Plantinga, A. J., and Stavins, R. N., What is the Value of Terroir?, The American Economic Review, pp. 152–156, 2011.
D. R. Horton, Munyaneza, J. E., Swisher, K. D., Echegaray, E. R., Murphy, A. F., Rondon, S. I., Sengoda, V. G., Neven, L. G., and Jensen, A., What is the source of potato psyllids colonizing Washington, Oregon and Idaho potato fields? , Potato Progress, vol. XIV, 2014.
D. R. Horton, Munyaneza, J. E., Swisher, K. D., Echegaray, E. R., Murphy, A. F., Rondon, S. I., Sengoda, V. G., Neven, L. G., and Jensen, A., What is the source of potato psyllids colonizing Washington, Oregon and Idaho potato fields? , Potato Progress, vol. XIV, 2014.
K. W. Davies, Boyd, C. S., Bates, J. D., Hallett, L. M., Case, M. F., and Svejcar, L., What Is Driving the Proliferation of Exotic Annual Grasses in Sagebrush Communities? Comparing Fire with Off-Season Grazing, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 82, pp. 76 - 85, 2022.
A. M. Alexander, Steel, D., Hoekzema, K., Mesnick, S. L., Engelhaupt, D., Kerr, I., Payne, R., and C. Baker, S., What influences the worldwide genetic structure of sperm whales ( Physeter macrocephalus )?, Molecular Ecology, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 2754 - 2772, 2016.
L. Shirley and Hannaway, D. B., What can OSU offer Alliance Partners? 俄勒冈州立大学可以为联盟成员提供什么?, China-US Extension Alliance Annual Mtg. Yangling, China, 2017.
T. Svejcar, What Are Working Groups and Why Should Scientists Be Involved, Weed Technology, vol. 10912946474369, no. 02, pp. 451 - 454, 1996.
A. L. Shriver, What Are Responsible Fisheries?, the Twelfth Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade (IIFET). 2004.
E. L. Hazen, Palacios, D. M., Forney, K. A., Howell, E. A., Becker, E., Hoover, A. L., Irvine, L., DeAngelis, M., Bograd, S. J., Mate, B. R., and Bailey, H., WhaleWatch: a dynamic management tool for predicting blue whale density in the California Current, Journal of Applied Ecology, 2016.
J. Selker, Steenhuis, T. S., and Parlange, J. - Y., Wetting front instability in homogeneous sandy soils under continuous infiltration, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 56, pp. 1346–1350, 1992.