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Book Chapter
J. W. Scott, Myers, J. R., Boches, P. S., Nichols, C. G., Angell, F. F., Liedl, B. E., Labate, J. A., Stommel, J. R., Slade, A., and Kole, C., Classical genetics and traditional breeding, in Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Tomato, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2013, pp. 37-68.
J. W. Scott, Myers, J. R., Boches, P. S., Nichols, C. G., Angell, F. F., Liedl, B. E., Labate, J. A., Stommel, J. R., Slade, A., and Kole, C., Classical genetics and traditional breeding, in Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Tomato, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2013, pp. 37-68.
J. W. Scott, Myers, J. R., Boches, P. S., Nichols, C. G., Angell, F. F., Liedl, B. E., Labate, J. A., Stommel, J. R., Slade, A., and Kole, C., Classical genetics and traditional breeding, in Genetics, Genomics, and Breeding of Tomato, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2013, pp. 37-68.
Mínez Salvador, Mata-González, R., D Sanchez, G., and M Cardenas, G., Caracterización ecológica y socioeconómica del maguey verde (Agave salmiana ssp. crassispina), in Ecología y usos de especies forestales de interés comercial de las zonas áridas de México, Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, 2013, pp. 95 - 125.
Mínez Salvador, Mata-González, R., D Sanchez, G., and M Cardenas, G., Caracterización ecológica y socioeconómica del maguey verde (Agave salmiana ssp. crassispina), in Ecología y usos de especies forestales de interés comercial de las zonas áridas de México, Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, 2013, pp. 95 - 125.
M. Koohmaraie, Killefer, J., Bishop, M., Shackelford, S., Wheeler, T., and Arbona, J., Calpastatin based methods for predicting meat tenderness, in Expression, Regulation and Role of Proteinases in Muscle Development and Meat Quality, 1993.
J. E. Rutkoski, Krause, M., and Sorrells, M. E., Breeding Methods: Population Improvement and Selection Methods, in Wheat improvement – Food security in a changing climate, 1st ed., M. P. Reynolds and Braun, H. - J., Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 83 - 96.
J. E. Rutkoski, Krause, M., and Sorrells, M. E., Breeding Methods: Line Development, in Wheat improvement – Food security in a changing climate, 1st ed., M. P. Reynolds and Braun, H. - J., Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022, pp. 69 - 82.
M. Kumar Lal, Kumar, A., Kardile, H. Balasaheb, Raigond, P., Changan, S. Sudhakar, Thakur, N., Dutt, S., Tiwari, R. Kumar, Chourasia, K. Nishant, Kumar, D., and Singh, B., Biofortification of Vegetables BT - Advances in Agri-Food Biotechnology, T. Raj Sharma, Deshmukh, R., and Sonah, H., Eds. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020, pp. 105–129.
M. Kumar Lal, Kumar, A., Kardile, H. Balasaheb, Raigond, P., Changan, S. Sudhakar, Thakur, N., Dutt, S., Tiwari, R. Kumar, Chourasia, K. Nishant, Kumar, D., and Singh, B., Biofortification of Vegetables BT - Advances in Agri-Food Biotechnology, T. Raj Sharma, Deshmukh, R., and Sonah, H., Eds. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020, pp. 105–129.
M. Kumar Lal, Kumar, A., Kardile, H. Balasaheb, Raigond, P., Changan, S. Sudhakar, Thakur, N., Dutt, S., Tiwari, R. Kumar, Chourasia, K. Nishant, Kumar, D., and Singh, B., Biofortification of Vegetables BT - Advances in Agri-Food Biotechnology, T. Raj Sharma, Deshmukh, R., and Sonah, H., Eds. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020, pp. 105–129.
T. Shellhammer and Townsend, M. S., Aphids, in Companion to Beer, Oxford University Press, Inc., 2011.
J. Selker, Unstable wetting in homogeneous soils under continuous infiltration. Cornell University, Jan., 1991.
M. D. Madsen, Zvirzdin, D. L., Roundy, B. A., and Kostka, S. J., “Sustainability: Contributions from Formulation Technology”: Improving Reseeding Success after Catastrophic Wildfire with Surfactant Seed Coating Technology, vol. 33. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959: ASTM International, 2014, pp. 44 - 55.
J. J. James, Species performance: the relationship between nutrient availability, life history traits, and stress. Wallingford: CABI, 2012, pp. 142 - 153.
J. Denkinger, ña, J., ón, D., Merlen, G., Salazar, S., and Palacios, D. M., Social and Ecological Interactions in the Galapagos IslandsScience and Conservation in the Galapagos IslandsFrom Whaling to Whale Watching: Cetacean Presence and Species Diversity in the Galapagos Marine Reserve, vol. 1. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2012, pp. 217 - 235.
R. Sheley, Mangold, J., Goodwin, K., and Marks, J., Revegetation guidelines for the Great Basin: considering invasive weeds. US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, 2008.
L. Meunier-Goddik and Sandra, S., Reference Module in Food ScienceLiquid Milk Products: Pasteurized Milk ☆. Elsevier, 2016.
M. J. Shinderman, Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental SciencesIntroduction to Sustainability as a Distinct Worldview with Emphasis on the Ecological Domain. Elsevier, 2015.
L. Brewer, Sullivan, D. M., Deol, P., and Angima, S. D., Reducing Lead Hazard in Gardens and Play Areas. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service, 2016.
O. State Univ Station, Range Research Areas in the Western United States, vol. 671. Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, 1988.
O. State Univ Station, Resources, O. State Univ, Svejcar, T., Mc Innis, M., Bryant, L. D., Boyd, C. S., Bohnert, D. W., and Vavra, M., Range Field Day Annual Report 2000: Sustainable Livestock Production in Forested and Intermountain Rangelands, vol. 1018. Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, 2000.
O. State Univ Station, Resources, O. State Univ, Svejcar, T., Mc Innis, M., Bryant, L. D., Boyd, C. S., Bohnert, D. W., and Vavra, M., Range Field Day Annual Report 2000: Sustainable Livestock Production in Forested and Intermountain Rangelands, vol. 1018. Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, 2000.
J. Yeon Kwon, Byun, S., and Lee, K. Won, Proteomics in Understanding the Molecular Basis of Phytochemicals for Health. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015, pp. 328 - 337.
M. T. Morrissey and Sylvia, G., Pacific whiting value-added product report: Spring, 1995 : summary of product development research 1993-1994. [Newport, Or.] : Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Oregon State University, 1995, p. 26 p. :.