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J. McIver and Blom, P., Factors behind harvester ant nest density in the Great Basin and surrounding areas, Rangeland Ecology and Management, 2011.
J. McIver and Erickson, K. L., Pollination Biology of Potentilla recta (Sulfur Cinquefoil) and Its Cooccurring Native Congener Potentilla gracilis in Northeastern Oregon, Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, vol. 201223672111741091981175056512066275349015, no. 1462233119121519, pp. 1 - 18, 2012.
J. McIver, Youngblood, A., and Stephens, S. L., The national Fire and Fire Surrogate study: ecological consequences of fuel reduction methods in seasonally dry forests 1, Ecological Applications, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 283 - 284, 2009.
J. McIver and Brunson, M., Multidisciplinary, Multisite Evaluation of Alternative Sagebrush Steppe Restoration Treatments: The SageSTEP Project, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 434 - 438, 2014.
J. McIver and Mc Innis, M., Cattle Grazing Effects on Macroinvertebrates in an Oregon Mountain Stream, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 293 - 303, 2007.
J. McIver, Sediment transport and soil disturbance after postfire logging, Hydrological Science and Technology, vol. 19, no. 1-4, pp. 335-348, 2003.
M. E. McGuire, Schaefer, C., Richards, T., Backe, W. J., Field, J., Houtz, E., Sedlak, D. L., Guelfo, J. L., Wunsch, A., and Higgins, C. P., Evidence of remediation-induced alteration of subsurface poly-and perfluoroalkyl substance distribution at a former firefighter training area, Environmental science & technology, vol. 48, pp. 6644–6652, 2014.
D. L. McGuire, Bohnert, D. W., Schauer, C. S., Falck, S. J., and Cook, T. W., Daily and alternate day supplementation of urea or soybean meal to ruminants consuming low-quality cool-season forage: I—Effects on efficiency of nitrogen use and nutrient digestion, Livestock Science, vol. 155, no. 2-3, pp. 205 - 213, 2013.
M. E. McGuire, Schaefer, C., Richards, T., Backe, W. J., Field, J., Houtz, E., Sedlak, D. L., Guelfo, J. L., Wunsch, A., and Higgins, C. P., Evidence of Remediation-Induced Alteration of Subsurface Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substance Distribution at a Former Firefighter Training Area, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 48, no. 12, pp. 6644 - 6652, 2014.
D. McGrath and Peachey, E., Managing 12-Spot Beetles in Snap Beans with Fewer Chemicals and Less Risk of Crop Injury, EM 8906, Oregon State University Extension Publication. 2006.
R. J. McGorrin, One hundred years of progress in food analysis., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 57, no. 18, pp. 8076-88, 2009.
R. J. McGorrin, Key Aroma Compounds in Oats and Oat Cereals, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 67 (50), pp. 13778-13789, 2019.
R. J. McGorrin, The significance of volatile sulfur compounds in food flavors, in Volatile sulfur compounds in food, vol. 1068, 2011, pp. 3–31.
R. J. McGorrin, Character-impact flavor and off-flavor compounds in foods, in Flavor, Fragrance, and Odor Analysis, 2nd, 2012, pp. 207–262.
R. J. McGorrin, Advances in dairy flavor chemistry, in SPECIAL PUBLICATION-ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY, vol. 274, 2001, pp. 67–84.
R. J. McGorrin and Section, E., Food Analysis, in Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, 2000, pp. 3857-4332.
R. J. McGorrin, Character-impact flavor compounds. Taylor & Francis Group: Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2007.
R. J. McGorrin and Gimelfarb, L., Novel aspects of tomatillo flavor. Chapter 7. Aroma active compounds in foods: chemistry and sensory properties, American Chemical Society, ACS Symposium series, 2001.
W. K. McGee, Bishop, C., Bahar, A., Pohl, C. R., Chang, R. J., Marshall, J. C., Pau, F. K., Stouffer, R. L., and Cameron, J. L., Elevated androgens during puberty in female rhesus monkeys lead to increased neuronal drive to the reproductive axis: a possible component of polycystic ovary syndrome, Human Reproduction, no. 2241117685576631043911528265163691184245161612137513410261216420, pp. 531 - 540, 2012.
W. K. McGee, Bishop, C., Pohl, C. R., Chang, R. J., Marshall, J. C., Pau, F. K., Stouffer, R. L., and Cameron, J. L., Effects of hyperandrogenemia and increased adiposity on reproductive and metabolic parameters in young adult female monkeys, American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol. 3067982852361195558341818382, no. 11, pp. E1292 - E1304, 2014.
K. M. McFarlin, Perkins, M. J., Field, J., and Leigh, M. B., Biodegradation of Crude Oil and Corexit 9500 in Arctic SeawaterData_Sheet_1.docx, Frontiers in Microbiology, vol. 9, 2018.
M. McDougall, Choi, J., Truong, L., Tanguay, R., and Traber, M. G., Vitamin E deficiency during embryogenesis in zebrafish causes lasting metabolic and cognitive impairments despite refeeding adequate diets., Free Radic Biol Med, vol. 110, pp. 250-260, 2017.
M. McDougall, Choi, J., Truong, L., Tanguay, R., and Traber, M., Vitamin E deficiency during embryogenesis in zebrafish causes lasting metabolic and cognitive impairments despite refeeding adequate diets, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, vol. 110, 2017.
M. McDougall, Choi, J., Magnusson, K., Truong, L., Tanguay, R., and Traber, M. G., Chronic vitamin E deficiency impairs cognitive function in adult zebrafish via dysregulation of brain lipids and energy metabolism., Free Radic Biol Med, vol. 112, pp. 308-317, 2017.
M. McDougall, Choi, J., Kim, H., Bobe, G., Stevens, J., Cadenas, E., Tanguay, R., and Traber, M., Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, vol. 104, 2017.