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“Elevated androgens during puberty in female rhesus monkeys lead to increased neuronal drive to the reproductive axis: a possible component of polycystic ovary syndrome”, Human Reproduction, no. 2241117685576631043911528265163691184245161612137513410261216420, pp. 531 - 540, 2012.
, “Embryonic toxicity changes of organic nanomaterials in the presence of natural organic matter”, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 426, pp. 423 - 429, 2012.
, “Embryonic toxicity changes of organic nanomaterials in the presence of natural organic matter.”, Sci Total Environ, vol. 426, pp. 423-9, 2012.
, “Emissions of Parent, Nitro, and Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Residential Wood Combustion in Rural China”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 46, no. 15, pp. 8123 - 8130, 2012.
, “Phytophthora katsurae”, Forest Phytophthoras, vol. 2, no. 1, 2012.
, “Endangered Species Conservation on Private Land: Assessing the Effectiveness of Habitat Conservation Plans”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 1 - 15, 2012.
, “Endogenous prostaglandin F2α concentrations in bovine whole semen, seminal plasma, and extended semen.”, Theriogenology, vol. 78, no. 2, pp. 369-75, 2012.
, “Enhanced performance and mechanism study of microbial electrolysis cells using Fe nanoparticle-decorated anodes.”, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, vol. 93, no. 2, pp. 871-80, 2012.
, “Enhancing Organic Agriculture in Oregon: Research, Education, and Policy”, OSU Extension Service Special Report EM 9050, 2012.
, , “eOrganic: the Organic Agriculture Community of Practice for eXtension”, HortTechnology, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 583-588, 2012.
, “ERIM (Electrical Resistivity Infiltrometer Monitoring): A non-invasive method for detection of preferential flow in soils”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
, “Erratum to “Rumen fermentation and production effects of Origanum vulgare L. leaves in lactating dairy cows” (J. Dairy Sci. 94:5065–5079)”, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 95, no. 1, p. 498, 2012.
, “Estimating plant-available nitrogen release from cover crops”, Oregon State University Extension Service, 2012.
, “'Eta' and 'Theta' hazelnut pollenizers”, HortScience , vol. 47, pp. 1180-1181, 2012.
, “Evaluating community gardens as habitat for an urban butterfly.”, Cities and the Environment, 2012.
, “Evaluation of a modified pH-shift process to reduce 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin in spiked catfish and produce a consumer acceptable fried catfish nugget-like product.”, J Food Sci, vol. 77, no. 10, pp. S377-83, 2012.
, “Evaluation of beef cow and calf separation systems to improve reproductive performance of first-calf cows”, Livestock Science, vol. 150, no. 1-3, pp. 74 - 79, 2012.
, , “Evaluation of Ferroxx Slug Bait for Control of Gray Field Slugs in Western Oregon”, 2011 Seed Production Research Report at Oregon State University, 2012.
, “Evaluation of fire blight resistance of 31 species of Cotoneaster”, Proc. 57th Ann. SNA Res. Conf., vol. 57:276-278. 2012.
, “Evaluation of Insecticides for Management of Clover Crown Borer in Red Clover Seed Production in the Willamette Valley”, 2011 Seed Production Research Report at Oregon State University, 2012.
, “An Evaluation of Local Similarity Scaling Over a Steep Alpine Slope”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2012.
, “Evaluation of methyl salicylate lures on populations of Typhlodromus pyri (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and other natural enemies in western Oregon vineyards”, Biological Control, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 48 - 55, 2012.
, “Evaluation of Monitoring Traps for Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in North America”, Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 1350 - 1357, 2012.