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“What makes diurnal raptors territorial? Relative roles of recent evolution, diet and nesting habitat”, Oecologia (to be submitted 01/2015).
, “What's Hot and What's Not – Identifying Publication Trends in Insect Ecology”, Austral Ecology, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 5 - 16, 2022.
, “What's in a Name? Standardizing Terminology for the Enhancement of Research, Extension, and Industry Applications of Virtual Fence Use on Grazing Livestock”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 94, pp. 199 - 206, 2024.
, “What's in a Name? Standardizing Terminology for the Enhancement of Research, Extension, and Industry Applications of Virtual Fence Use on Grazing Livestock”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 94, pp. 199 - 206, 2024.
, “When are genetic methods useful for estimating contemporary abundance and detecting population trends?”, Molecular Ecology Resources, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 684 - 692, 2010.
, “When is a beer not a beer: iso-α-acids not necessarily proof of ethanol consumption?”, J Anal Toxicol, vol. 39, no. 2, p. 160, 2015.
, “When is a beer not a beer: iso-α-acids not necessarily proof of ethanol consumption?”, J Anal Toxicol, vol. 39, no. 2, p. 160, 2015.
, “Where is the value in valuing pollination ecosystem services? ”, Ecological Economics, vol. 109, pp. 59-70, 2015.
, “Where is the value in valuing pollination ecosystem services to agriculture?”, Ecological Economics, vol. 109, pp. 59 - 70, 2015.
, “Where There's Smoke, There's Fuel: Dynamic Vegetation Data Improve Predictions of Wildfire Hazard in the Great Basin”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 89, pp. 20 - 32, 2023.
, “Whisky by-products: a valuable source of protein and potential applications in aquaculture”, New Biotechnology, p. S118, 2014.
, “White mold resistance‐QTL: Identification, interactions, and fine mapping in common bean”, National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
, “White mold resistance‐QTL: Identification, interactions, and fine mapping in common bean”, National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
, “White mold resistance‐QTL: Identification, interactions, and fine mapping in common bean”, National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
, “White mold resistance‐QTL: Identification, interactions, and fine mapping in common bean”, National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
, “White mold resistance‐QTL: Identification, interactions, and fine mapping in common bean”, National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
, “White mold resistance‐QTL: Identification, interactions, and fine mapping in common bean”, National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
, “Whole-plant growth stage ontology for angiosperms and its application in plant biology.”, Plant physiology, vol. 142, pp. 414-28, 2006.
, “‘Wild Treasure’Thornless Trailing Blackberry”, HortScience, vol. 45, pp. 434–436, 2010.
, , “Willamette: A Chipping Cultivar with High Yield and Specific Gravity, Low Incidence of Hollow Heart and Brown Center, and Suitability for Fresh-Market Usage”, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 85 - 92, 2008.
, “Wine is bactericidal to foodborne pathogens”, Journal of Food Science, vol. 69, pp. M251–M257, 2004.
, “Winter and Early Spring Bird Communities in Grasslands, Shrubsteppe, and Juniper Woodlands in Central Oregon”, Western North American Naturalist, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 25 - 35, 2008.
, “Winter and Early Spring Bird Communities in Grasslands, Shrubsteppe, and Juniper Woodlands in Central Oregon”, Western North American Naturalist, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 25 - 35, 2008.
, “Woodland expansion’s influence on belowground carbon and nitrogen in the Great Basin U.S.”, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 75, no. 9, pp. 827 - 835, 2011.