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“Accuracy of canine parturition date prediction using fetal measurements obtained by ultrasonography”, Theriogenology, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 1309 - 1317, 2003.
, “Accuracy of canine parturition date prediction using fetal measurements obtained by ultrasonography”, Theriogenology, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 1309 - 1317, 2003.
, “Alignment trends of velocity gradients and subgrid-scale fluxes in the turbulent atmospheric boundary layer”, Boundary-layer meteorology, vol. 109, pp. 59–83, 2003.
, “Alturas: A multi-purpose, Russet potato cultivar with high yield and tuber specific gravity”, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 80, no. 5, pp. 295 - 301, 2003.
, “The benefits to Mexican agriculture of an El Niño-southern oscillation (ENSO) early warning system”, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 115, pp. 183–194, 2003.
, “The benefits to Mexican agriculture of an El Niño-southern oscillation (ENSO) early warning system”, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 115, pp. 183–194, 2003.
, “Bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum L.) frond biomass and rhizosphere microbial community characteristics are correlated to edaphic factors”, Plant and Soil, vol. 249, no. 2, pp. 359 - 371, 2003.
, “Cabbage and crucifer plants”, in S.H. Katz (ed.) Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2003.
, , “Cattle distribution patterns and vegetation use in mountain riparian areas”, J. Range Manage, vol. 56, pp. 334-341, 2003.
, “Comparison of two thymol-based acaricides API LIFE VAR and Apiguard for the control of Varroa mites”, American Bee Journal , vol. 143, no. 6, pp. 489-493, 2003.
, “Consumers report preferences when they should not: A cross-cultural study”, Journal of Sensory Studies, vol. 18, pp. 487–516, 2003.
, “Distance education: A new course in wildland fire ecology”, Journal of forestry, vol. 101, pp. 16–20, 2003.
, “Economic implications of off-stream water developments to improve riparian grazing”, vol. 56, 2003.
, “Economic Implications of Off-Stream Water Developments to Improve Riparian Grazing”, Journal of Range Management, vol. 56, no. 5, p. 418, 2003.
, “Economic implications of off-stream water developments to improve riparian grazing”, J. Range Manage, vol. 56, pp. 418-424, 2003.
, “The effect of filter dimension on components of the subgrid-scale stress measured in the atmospheric surface layer”, in EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 2003.
, “Effect of Season of Use on Beef Cattle Distribution patterns in Riparian Areas”, Journal of Range Management, 2003.
, “The Effects of Spatial Scale of Climate Scenarios on Economic Assessments: An Example from U.S. Agriculture”, Climatic Change, vol. 60, pp. 131-148, 2003.
, “The Effects of Spatial Scale of Climate Scenarios on Economic Assessments: An Example from U.S. Agriculture”, Climatic Change, vol. 60, pp. 131-148, 2003.
, “Endophytes in Grass Seed And Grass Seed Straw”, Extension Publication, 2003.
, “Fire regimes, pre-and post-settlement vegetation, and the modern expansion of western juniper at Lava Beds National Monument, California”, Final Report to the USDI Lava Beds National Monument, 2003.
, “Great Basin Redband Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss newberrii) habitat improvement using felled western juniper (Juniperus occidentailis)”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2003.
, Handbook of Food and Beverage Fermentation Technology. CRC Press, 2003.
, “High velocity electron-beam radiation of pollen and comb for the control of Paenibacillus larvae subspecies larvae and Ascosphaera apis”, American Bee Journal, vol. 144, pp. 714-720, 2003.