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Filters: Keyword is beef cattle and Author is David W Bohnert [Clear All Filters]
“Late gestation supplementation of beef cows differing in body condition score: Effects on cow and calf performance”, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 91, no. 11, pp. 5485 - 5491, 2013.
, “Late gestation supplementation of beef cows: effects on cow and calf performance”, in Proceedings of the Western Section of American Society of Animal Science, 2010.
, “OSU's Home on the Range”, Oregon's Agricultural Progress, 2003.
, “Management Considerations for Use of Perennial Ryegrass Straw as a Forage Source for Beef Cattle”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, SR 1057, 2006.
, “Using Mycosorb”, Alltech's 23rd Annual Symposium . Nottingham, UK, 2007.
, “Management Considerations for Beef Cows with Emphasis on Offspring Performance and Cow Nutrient Requirements”, Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference. Oregon State University, Boise, Idaho, pp. 107-118, 2020.