
Found 10 results
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Journal Article
A. P. Verbyla, Saint-Pierre, C., Peterson, C. J., Ross, A. S., and Appels, R., Fourier modelling, analysis and interpretation of high-resolution mixograph data, Journal of Cereal Science, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 11 - 21, 2007.
M. D. Flowers, Peterson, C. J., Larson, M., Verhoeven, M., and Simmons, E., Hard Winter Elite Yield Trials, 2009.
M. D. Flowers, Peterson, C. J., Burns, J., and Kuehner, J., Norwest 553: Hard Red Winter Wheat, Oregon State Extension Service Publication, 2008.
M. D. Flowers, Peterson, C. J., Hulting, A. G., Burns, J., Guy, S., and Kuehner, J., ORCF-103: CLEARFIELD® Soft White Winter Wheat, Oregon State Extension Service Publication, 2010.
M. D. Flowers, Peterson, C. J., Larson, M., Verhoeven, M., and Simmons, E., Oregon Spring Elite Yield Trials, 2009.
M. D. Flowers, Peterson, C. J., Larson, M., Verhoeven, M., and Simmons, E., Oregon Winter Elite Yield Trials, 2009.
M. D. Flowers and Peterson, C. J., ORSS-1757: ‘SuperSoft’ Soft White Winter Wheat, Oregon State Extension Service Publication, 2010.
M. D. Flowers, Peterson, C. J., Hulting, A. G., Burns, J., Guy, S., and Kuehner, J., Skiles: Soft White Winter Wheat, Oregon State Extension Service Publication , 2010.
M. D. Flowers, Peterson, C. J., Hulting, A. G., Burns, J., Guy, S., and Kuehner, J., Tubbs 06: Soft White Winter Wheat, Oregon State Extension Service Publication , 2009.
S. C. Pierre, Peterson, C. J., Ross, A. S., Ohm, J. B., Verhoeven, M. C., Larson, M., and Hoefer, B., Winter wheat genotypes under different levels of nitrogen and water stress: Changes in grain protein composition, Journal of Cereal Science, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 407 - 416, 2008.