Historical and Modern Disturbance Regimes, Stand Structures, and Landscape Dynamics in Piñon–Juniper Vegetation of the Western United States

TitleHistorical and Modern Disturbance Regimes, Stand Structures, and Landscape Dynamics in Piñon–Juniper Vegetation of the Western United States
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsRomme, WH, Allen, CD, Bailey, JD, Baker, WL, Bestelmeyer, BT, Brown, PM, Eisenhart, KS, M. Floyd, L, Huffman, DW, Jacobs, BF, Miller, RF, Muldavin, EH, Swetnam, TW, Tausch, RJ, Weisberg, PJ
JournalRangeland Ecology & Management
Pagination203 - 222
Date PublishedJan-05-2009
KeywordsClimate, CO2, drought, fire, grazing, range expansion, tree infill, tree invasion
Short TitleRangeland Ecology & Management
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